Pada 8 Jun 2014, bersempena dengan Shaklee National Conference 2013/2014, Shaklee Malaysia telah melancarkan produk terbaru untuk pasaran di Malaysia, yang dikenali sebagai Phytocol-ST.
Produk yang baik untuk kesihatan jantung ini mencegah penyerapan kolesterol ke dalam saluran darah, sekaligus turut bantu mengurangkan kolesterol LDL (kolesterol jahat).
Bahaya Plak Kolesterol Di Dalam Pembuluh Darah
Testimoni Phytocol-ST Bantu Kurangkan Kolesterol LDL
Berikut ialah perkongsian dari pengguna Phytocol-ST Shaklee, tentang bagaimana Phytocol-ST bantu kurangkan kolesterol LDL nya:
“My own Phytocol-ST testimonial.
I have high LDL cholesterol problem due to my eating habit. I love “fat” and this is basically a typical Malaysian diet. In Malaysia, there are more than 6 million adults like me with high cholesterol problem.
Below is lab test result for my LDL
26-Mar-14: my LDL level is 129 mg/dl which was at unhealthy level.
Then, I started to use the Phytocol-ST with 4 tablets per day (2000 mg of phytosterols). To test the result, I stopped taking OmegaGuard, Lecithin and even reduce the intake of ESP Soy Protein. My diet were very unhealthy – loaded with fat and less fiber, vegatables and fruits.What happen after 2 months?
I tested my LDL level again on 30-May. Test result was 101 mg/dl. Total reduction of LDL level is 22%!!
So, hope you can share the Phytocol-ST with friends and families. Reduction in cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension and etc.” -Ethan.
Keputusan Ujian Kolesterol laboratory test Sebelum Phytocol-ST:
Below is lab test result for my LDL.
26-Mar-14: my LDL level is 129 mg/dl which was at unhealthy level.
Keputusan Ujian Kolesterol laboratory test Selepas Phytocol-ST:
Then, I started to use the Phytocol-ST with 4 tablets per day (2000 mg of phytosterols).
To test the result, I stopped taking OmegaGuard, Lecithin and even reduce the intake of ESP Soy Protein. My diet were very unhealthy – loaded with fat and less fiber, vegatables and fruits.
What happen after 2 months?
I tested my LDL level again on 30-May.
Test result was 101 mg/dl. Total reduction of LDL level is 22%!!
Cegah Masalah Jantung & Salur Darah Tersumbat
Bagaimana Cara Nak Dapatkan Shaklee Phytocol-ST?
Sebotol Shaklee Phytocol-ST ini mengandungi 120 biji Phytocol-ST, untuk kegunaan sehingga 2 bulan. Diperbuat 100% dari sayur, buah dan tumbuhan, harga sebotol ialah RM209.35 sahaja.
Tempah Shaklee Phytocol-ST di sini >>> Beli Phytocol-ST online (klik sini)
Jom hadiahkan Shaklee Phytocol-ST kepada insan tersayang, untuk bantu mencegah penyerapan kolesterol sekaligus menurunkan paras kolesterol jahat di dalam badan.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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