Vivix Bantu Mengurangkan Sakit Arthritis | Arthritis ialah sejenis penyakit yang mendatangkan kesakitan, kemerahan, bengkak dan kekejangan sendi. Arthritis biasanya disebabkan oleh kerosakan sendi, jangkitan kuman, dan ianya juga boleh diwarisi.
Arthritis yang sering dihidapi oleh orang dewasa ialah OsteoArthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Gout, dan Arthritis yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan kuman.
Vivix Bantu Mengurangkan Sakit Arthritis
Baru-baru ini sahabat saya, Puan Intan, menghubungi saya kerana ada rakannya yang nak beli 4 botol Vivix Shaklee sekaligus. Beliau nak pastikan boleh dapat keahlian Shaklee percuma tak?
Ya, kawannya bukan saja layak dapat 1, tetapi dapat 2 keahlian Shaklee PERCUMA sebenarnya kerana 2 botol Vivix = 1 keahlian Shaklee Percuma! Best, kan?
Tambahan, kawannya turut bakal mendapat bonus tunai 3 angka. Penjimatan berganda!
Namun, yang paling berharga selain dari keahlian Percuma dan bonus 3 angka ini pastilah nikmat kesihatan yang tiada tandingannya, kan?
Rupa-rupanya, sahabat Puan Intan ini sudah lama menghidapi sakit Arthritis dan mencari-cari suplemen untuk kurangkan sakit Arthritis. Beliau mengamalkan Vivix Shaklee selama 2 bulan sebagai ikhtiar untuk kurangkan sakit Arthritis nya, dan Alhamdulillah, memang nampak perubahan.
“Vivix ni memang sangat baguslah. Kawan Intan sakit Arthritis, dia try Vivix dalam 2 bulan, Alhamdulillah, memang nampak perubahan! Suka sangat dengar. Muka dia pun nampak fresh sekarang nie. Adik beradik dia noticed that dan terus terbuka hati nak beli Vivix juga” – Puan Intan.
5 Jenis Makanan Semulajadi Bantu Kurangkan Sakit Arthritis
Apakah Kaitan Resveratrol dan Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Vivix mempunyai kandungan Resveratrol yang tinggi, 10 kali ganda berbanding Resveratrol sahaja!
Perkongsian dari bekas pesakit Arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects over 4 million individuals in the US including myself. The human immune system consists of a powerful set of cells and messengers that are very effective at finding and eradicating foreign invaders. When these tools are mistakenly directed towards the body itself the result in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, is the direct destruction of joint connective tissue and significant pain, stiffness and swelling.
About one year ago while reading the New York Times a certain article caught my eye. The article talked about how scientists were investigating a compound found in red grapes known as resveratrol.
For many years scientists have been trying to understand why the French population eats rich foods without high rates of heart disease and diabetes when compared to Americans. Researchers discovered a compound called resveratrol that when fed to mice in significant amounts resulted in profound effects. Mice that were fed a rich diet high in fat developed diabetes and other diseases related to a high fat content diet. The mice on resveratrol did not develop the same types of disease and lived significantly longer than their non resveratrol counterparts.
I took this new supply of resveratrol consistently and hoped for some results. I was still popping a couple of naproxem every day and was keeping healthy exercising.
Then something unexpected happened…
After being on resveratrol for about six months it came to me. I was forgetting to take the naproxem and there was no pain or stiffness.
At first the results were not appreciated so my exercise routines became more rigorous. Then I decided to play full court basketball to see how my joints would hold out. In the past playing even for a short period caused significant pain and stiffness. This time there was the some muscle tightness and pain just like it would have been if I was twenty years younger. This startled me.
Being a scientist I investigated whether resveratrol was known to have any affects on arthritis.
Resveratrol is being investigated as a treatment for arthritis. Researchers working with rabbits found that resveratrol shut down the production of HLA-DR4 the compound known to lead to joint deterioration in arthritis patients. Could it be true? Had I found a treatment by accident?
The answer was an emphatic, yes. The results amazed me and have inspired me to write this article so this information can be shared with others.
Now it needs to be made clear that the resveratrol was taken for over six months before any results were realized. If you do have arthritis it has developed slowly and your joints are deteriorated. My theory is that it takes time to begin to heal all that damage. Others may or may not experience the same results as myself and for older individuals resveratrol may have little or no effect.
In closing let me add that I do not sell resveratrol or have some ulterior motive for writing this article other than to share my experience. All arthritis sufferers should consider giving resveratrol a shot. Who knows what could happen.
Please share this information or article with someone who can really use it, an arthritis sufferer.
Jom cuba sebotol Vivix hari ini sebagai salah satu ikhtiar untuk mengurangkan sakit Arthritis.
Harga Shaklee Vivix mungkin nampak mahal bagi orang yang sihat, namun tidaklah terlalu mahal jika dibandingkan dengan nikmat kesihatan bagi individu yang kurang sihat. Insya Allah…
Sakit Gout Berpuluh Tahun Berakhir, Ayah Tak Perlu Pain Killer Lagi
Bagaimana Nak Dapatkan Suplemen Vivix Ini?
Sekarang anda ada 2 pilihan untuk beli Vivix dan hadiahkan kepada ayah yang sakit gout:
Cara 1: Secara online. Beli terus di laman eSell Shaklee (1 botol Vivix) dengan harga RM503.50. Pembayaran dengan kad debit atau kad kredit sahaja. Penghantaran terus dari pihak Shaklee (M).
Tapi, nanti dulu. Anda juga boleh dapat keahlian Shaklee percuma dengan pembelian 2 botol Vivix. Jadi, automatik dapat beli vivix murah dengan harga ahli, dan automatik dapat cash rebates sebanyak 5% pada bulan hadapan. Kami sangat galakkan anda jadi ahli, kalau nak vivix murah.
Cara 2: Jadi, untuk penjimatan berganda, WhatsApp kami di 017-3030081 untuk kami bantu anda daftar ahli & buat pembelian 2 botol Vivix. Jimat banyak bila daftar ahli, tau! 😀
Cara Beli Vivix di Shaklee HQ, Sunway GEO
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
WhatsApp kami di 017-3030081 (klik dari smartphone anda).
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Gout memang menyakitkan kalau dah kena..sukar nak angkat kaki..
Muda mudi pun ramai dah kena gout nie..